This is an amazing Fringe. It has 20 colors in all to get as close to the stone color as possible. It represents each Tribes color and goes in order. These Fringes take 17 hours alone to make. 8 to 9 hours to pull the strings and EACH Fringe takes two hours to tie. These are hot Very beautiful and very thick and worth every penny they cost. These are definitely a labor of love. All Praises to יהוה בהשם יהושס. Comes with upgraded Clasp.
Breakdown on pricing:
Strings for project: $67.20
Labor and finished product: $52.80 for a total of $120.00
1. Reuben- Sardius
2. Simeon- Topaz
3. Levi- Carbuncle
4. Yahudah- Emerald (Double)
5. Zebulon- Sapphire
6. Issachar- Dismond
7. Dan- Ligure
8. Had- Agate
9. Asher- Amethyst
10. Naphtali- Beryl
11. Joseph- Onyx
12. Benjamin- Jasper
Product code: 12 Tribe Fringes © 2020 by SharmsBySharman/Sharman hot Castillo