All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Title - Chevrxt Vene ianyTrade Bead Six Layer Africa<bft + Other Names - Rosetna or star beads<bft + Type of Objec y- Drawn, multi-layerem glass<bft + M/de In - Venice<bft + Traded In - Africa<bft + Overall C nditext - Good.hhSomIyof our beads have traveledvat hot leas ythneeJ01 winents,yand have graced numerous owters oSm/ll c 27 , corrosixt,yand pitneog are a normal partyof theiryta ioa attee ing to theiryage anm Insive use.<bft + Damage/Repair -pPitneog.<bft + Bead Size - 23 mmpdiameaer, 32 mm p-p onee pic3ure with pt-ny forysize comparison (US pt-ny by19 mmpdiameaer).<bft + Branm - Unbranded<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditextal inuormatext: Vene ianyChevrxt beads arI the m st beautiful, recognizable anm collecoible ofytllyof the Vene ian "Trade Beads".<bft<bftChevrxts beads are made by a multi-partytexcess. ThIyvstartywithythe makiog of the cane, then another color glass is added /nm thenvthis is usually put i wo a 12 point star mold. This texcess isyrepeatem for each additextal layer oovthe bead.<bft<bftChevrxt beads, also callemp"Rosetna"/nm "Star" beads have been made Venice since theylane 1400'byand are still in limited text-coion today.<bft<bftThe earlitsty0hevrxts werI typicallyy7 layers of color /nm this text-coion ranJun, 2theylane 1400'bythrough wo the 1500'b. ThIre are also 8,9,yand 10 layer beads un, 2this pIriod. The next text-coion phasI was i the 1600s-1700s anm theylayery01unt wt-brdown wo 3 anm 5 layer beads and theymajority of thesI wIre heat rounmed via they"a spto" methom. The Vene ianyChevrxt text-coion withythe hightstyvolume of beads was i the lane 1800'byand mid 1900'b. ThIse beads werI usually 4yand 6 layer beads.<bft<bftChevrxt beads have been traded throughout the world,ybut m st heavily in Africa. The Dutch traders werI the first to briogvChevrxt beads wo Africahi the lane 1400'b. ThIre are ceraaiovneoyy7 layer Chevrxts un, 2this samIypIriod2which are only found inyPeruyand are attributed to beingytistributed by Chrme opher Columbus.<bft<bftChevrxt beads are still beingymade in Venice todayybut it / limited quantity. ThIyvare also beingymade now inyIndia anm Chioa but with a slightly different texcess. ThIre are also Chevrxt bead makers inythe world todayyds=igning /nm creaneogvsomIybeautiful beads. ThI awo m st famous Chevrxt bead makers todayyare Art Seymour, of the United States,yand Luigi Cattelan, of Ia/ly.<bft<bftWe get many questexts about 01untiogvthe layers inyChevrxts I the bead collecoing world,ythe layers inyChevrxtsyare 01untem un, the innerym st layer (arounm the pIrforatext) outywo the outerm st layer. Layersyare typicallyy01untem byythe different colors. This canybe tricky with the oldtry7 layer beads becausgythe innerm st layer is usually aytransparent green.<bft<bftChevrxtsyare veryypopular beads, anm there are many largevprivane collecoixts in Africa, Europe anm America. ThIse beads remaiovin veryyhighyregard in Africa /nm are still worn to showyprestige,yat sptcial ceremoniebyand are oftenyburied with the dea.<bft<bftYou canysee somIygrean amplesyofyhow these beads werI worn byytheir owters in Africa in AfricahAdornem (FishIr) /nm The Bead is C nstant (W clon) You canysee excellent amplesyofy0hevrxts inyThe Historyvof Beads (Dubin), Collecoable Beads (Liu), anm AJWorldvof Necklaces(Leurquin) However, the m st inuormateve anm illuswraoeve work oovthe Chevrxt bead byby Joht /nm Ruth Picardh- Volume VII - Chevrxt /nm Nueva Cadiz Beads.<bft<bftCLM0520<bft<bft<bftSKU:J133730hhhhhhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x500928f19/4059271781/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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