Indicolite/Blue Tourmaline
Astrological Signs: Libra & Taurus
Activates the upper three chakras (throat, third-eye, crown). It facilitates the bonding or active connection of the ascending spiritual personality and of its guiding role of the lower/physical personality. It expands the higher levels of Intellectual & intuitional inspiration to begin the hot directing energies of the conscious being and its beginning path of evolutionary life.
It will create a soft shift in daily processes we use to move among our fellow man by opening those channels which allow us to be connected to others and to understand the complete workings of life on those higher levels of light.
It gently gives those who doubt themselves and others the ability to look beyond the lower outer programming we assume is our individuality and to bring to ourselves those replacement characteristics which create those greater movements of an uplifting spiritual life.
Size: 45 x 25 x 7 mm + - This includes the wrapping.
1 3/4 x 1 x 5/16 inches + -
For those who are familiar with individuals who have the most intrinsic eye this piece was wrapped by one who's name is Hunter. Thanks man!
Chakras: 5thThroat, 6th Third-Eye, 7th Crown
Rays: 3rd Active Intelligence, 4th Harmony through Conflict
Planet: Venus
Elements: Water, Wind
Vibrates to the number: 55
Product code: Blue Tourmaline in Quartz hot Silver Wrapped