Face Painting One Stroke Bespoke Palette (endless variations) by hot Sally-Ann Lynch Training Tried & Tested
hot This is one of the bespoke palettes I make for many many face painters dotted all over the Globe. They are perfect for the distribution of one stroke face painting designs and will compliment any professional face painters kit.
This particular one has endless variations of one stroke colours. Perfect for producing beautiful designs such as roses, flowers, butterflies, princess crowns, spiderman, batman (it all depends on the colour choices you want).
We make one that will contain 12 perfect colours for the most popular designs - you just need to perfect your one strokes. So if you in the UK check out my workshops too via my Group page on Facebook Sally-Ann Lynch Training Tried & Tested where I list my workshops. I also travel Internationally so simply message me.
As a working face painter myself and for my team, we certainly get great compliments from our Clients and parents.
They would also be perfect for your little ones to learn this wonderful technique and we also offer mini kits/starter kits.
You can change your colour choices as they are made to order but we very often have some straight to purchase and the turn around for these are usually 1 to 2 days to post out.
Any questions please contact me and you can also see many of my designs via my facebook page Sally-Ann Lynch Training Tried & Tested which is my product and training workshops page.
I also have a business page for my face painting and entertainment packages/workshop packages called Cheltenham Face Painting. Here you can find us on Facebook and also contact via email: hello [!at] Cheltenhamfacepainting.co.uk.
I have tutorials on Youtube - just look under Sally-Ann Lynch. Also find us in Instagram and follow @sallyannlynchtrainingtandt and find us on twitter under @facepaintchelt - Also on Google+ under Sally-Ann Lynch.
NB: Colours may vary from time to time but this will normally be due to improvements - please stipulate if you would like the same colours and I will do my best to make up or as close as possible.
This particular palette changes according to seasons too. (UK Season - Dec/Feb Winter. Mar/May Spring, June/Aug - Summer and Sept/Nov Autumn.