I brought this Reaper Bones miniature to life by using Army Painter, and Citadel acrylics. With basing material from a variety of companies - Wee Scapes Foliage clusters, Citadel basing paint and Gamer Grass company tufts. He's a 28 mm heroic scale miniature that can be used with a variety of games - such as Frostgrave, Rangers of Shadow Deep, Ghost Archipelago, Mordhiem, Age of Sigmar, Kings of War, Dragon Rampant, and for table top RPGs. The miniature stands approximately 30 mm from top od rock base to eyes.
"We held the line as long as we could against the Goblins but then we heard chant of Blorg! Blorg! Blorg! Suddenly this massive Orc was among us swings these massive blades. Men fell mortally wounded with each pass! We just couldn't take any more and fled like boys fighting a veteran fighter. hot Never will I forget that beast!" Excerpts from a reports regarding the fall of the town of Luthian.
Product code: Orc Warrior/Berserker hot